15 Tips how to save money for your wedding!

15 Jun

So, you are planning a wedding, congrats! You don’t want to spend a ton of money on this beautiful event but still want it to be unforgettable? Don’t worry! Here are 15 tips, that will help you to save some money!

1. Start your planning process early.

There is a saying: the early bird catches the worm. Usually, people start to plan their wedding 10-12 months earlier, but 18 months would give you extra time for making the best decisions.Earlier you start your planning, more wisely you will spend your money, don’t forget about discounts and deals you will see have a chanse to use!

2. Set priorities.

Setting your priorities is always a good idea. Everyone has their own priorities. Do you love sweets and flowers? Make your priority the cake and flowers. Do you love attention and some good jams? Invite a lot of people and hire a good band, but don’t buy the most expensive cake in the city!

3. Spring is your friend.

Spring is a really good time to make a celebration. Flowers are blooming in the garden, so you don’t have to worry about the photo wall, it’s the perfect time to cook a delicious barbecue for your guests. It’s the perfect time to go on a honeymoon too!

4. A Sunday wedding? Why not!

You want expensive rental costs? Have your wedding on Saturday. It’s the most popular day for weddings, so the prices go uuup! You can rent your venue at a lower price on Sunday! But what about weeknight? That’s even more affordable!

5. Make your own designs for invintations and place cards.

Two rabbits with one shot! There is a website where you can personalise your invitations and place cards for free. Just use their free design tool, create your invitations and place cards and order them! It would be a lot more expensive if you had to ask the designer to make the design.

6. Local Honeymoon.

People are spending thousands on expensive honeymoon destinations, but why you can’t have the same experience in your own country. I bet that there are a lot of relaxation places in your country that are as good as your country ones.

7. DIY has its magic.

Nowadays having an internet connection is nothing special. Imagine how many ideas exist on the internet? You can create almost everything! Need candles for the wedding? Make them! Don’t want to buy an expensive bouquet? Make it! There is nothing as beautiful as things we make with our hands.

8. Choose your photographer wisely.

Everyone wants the best wedding photos of their special day, but not always expensive is better. There are a lot of options for photography, if your friend has a decent camera, why wouldn’t you let him use it? If you really want those professional-looking pictures, you can hire the photographer on Tipografijas.lv for an hour or two, not for the whole day. In the 21st century, everyone is taking good-looking pictures even with their phones.

9. Simplify your meals.

People tend to make very luxury choices for their wedding table without thinking that maybe only 40% of the guests will like the food choice. Instead of providing guests with choices for dinner, opt for just a single dish that everyone can enjoy. Remember that your guests are coming to celebrate you and your marriage, not to have a fancy dinner.

10. Limit plus ones.

When engaged couples allocate plus-ones, it’s important to note that the plus-one does not apply to every guest. Of course, there are people who you don’t want to be rude, but does Clara really need to bring her friend Patrisha to the wedding where she hasn’t even met the happy couple? Taking a very serious look through the guest list can really cut down expenses.

11. Less the city, more the nature

Nature is so the most beautiful thing that the world has given to us. Why would you rent an expensive place to marry in when you can marry out in the fresh air with flowers blooming around you? It’s much less expensive and more beautiful!

12. Upcycle

Why would you spend a ton of money on things you will throw out later? Don’t have a lot of vases? Use jars! Want to have bunting flags as a decoration? Sew them from old fabrics! Are you the same size your mother was when she was getting married? Wear her dress! There is a ton of upcycling ideas for your wedding, just use your imagination!

13. Use your connections.

You would be surprised by the amount you can save by using connections. Just try to write on the paper bands, photographers, cooks, and even designers you or your other half knows. In this step, you can save a LOT of money by letting your friends do their job.

14. Less is more.

People tend to buy a lot of colourful decorations for their weddings. But why do they need so many? Most of the timeless is better. Don’t get sick with grand mania and stick to minimalism, your wallet will thank you for that.

15. Be creative!

There are a lot of ways how to make your wedding amazing! Give yourself some time, use your imagination and make your wedding day the best day of your life. People can make miracles, you only need to be creative!

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